Spanking Boys
Alesha 24 (9)
Boris 19 (5)
Dimka 23 (5)
Dimych 21 (13)
Dobromil 22 (5)
Evgen 19 (4)
Gera 22 (16)
Nikifor 21 (5)
Ondrey 19 (4)
Timur 18 (4)
Shurik 21 (4)
Egor 23 (9)
Andryuha 18 (5)
Dimon 22 (19)
Max 21 (5)
Mark 19 (9)
Boxer Ivan 24 (4)
Artemka 20 (3)
Serega 25 (4)
Sanechek 19 (17)
Konstantin 23 (6)
Ildar 24 (10)
Maxim 24 (4)
Soldier Volodya 21 (4)
Victor 19 (6)
Tim 19 (4)
Dimas 23 (5)
Nik 19 (6)
Nikita 18 (17)
Dumitru 20 (10)
Ahmat 19 (4)
Ilya 21 (4)
Valentin 20 (4)
Siberian 22 (5)
Mitya 24 (3)
Kostya 20 (4)
Zhenya 21 (4)
Pasha 25 (4)
Gosha 18 (2)
Antoha 23 (3)
Soldier Lesha 25 (5)
Andrey 18 (3)
Kirill 19 (3)
Kiryuha 25 (2)
Misha 20 (2)
Vasya 24 (5)
Oleg 20 (4)
Vasiliy 25 (4)
Plowboy 23 (2)
Hotimir 22 (4)
Kirych 21 (2)
Roman 18 (4)
Vladimir 18 (4)
Soldier Sasha 26 (1)
Sanek 25 (2)
Dima 27 (3)
Hunky Bogdan 22 (1)
Yura 24 (3)
Ukrainian slave 20 (1)
Kolyanchik 24 (1)
Savva 27 (3)
Tolyan 22 (4)
Vanya 28 (4)
Afanasiy 26 (1)
Our Fan (1)
Tosha 19 (3)
Sergey 29 (5)
On our website you can watch different spanking boys videos. Just find the boy that you like and open his page. On this page you will see all videos recorded with this guy. Sure on our website we offer different spanking boys methods. For example, you can watch some not hard hand spanking. Also you can find belt spanking and caning videos. We are providing back whipping, bastinado and torso whipping.
Spanking boys videos is a popular subject in Gay BDSM community. We can tell that it’s a classic direction of all BDSM. Spanking is using for corporal punishments and for sexual desires. Sure the spanking methods differs and depends on punishment history in country. For example, in USA was popular to punish boys by the paddle, hand and whip. The boys belt spanking is popular in post USSR countries. That was a tradition discipline method there. If we’ll take a look for a male corporal punisment history in Russia in 19th century we’ll find there lot of biching. Finally the birching was very popular for punishment for peasants in Russian villages.
Most often peasants was punished in the stable. They had to lay down on the bench for the punishment on bare ass. Also some sirs used the whip for the punishment. They whipped guys on the back. It was cruel and sadistic punishment way. Sure corporal punishments for boys was very popular also in the families and schools. In schools teachers uses the bicrhing on bare ass of bad students to discipline them. Also the kneeling on the rice or peas was very popular. Boy had to stand on the knees on different groats for 20-3o minutes or more.