Mark 19 y.o. is a fit straight boy from Russia, who will get now his first belt and cane spanking. First of all he underess and laying down on the bench. Master is taking his leather large belt and. First strokes Mark is trying to be soic, but the belt is falling on the helpless young ass making it red color. After belt spanking, Master is taking finally the cane for spanking boy. Young boy is getting the hard pain, cane stings his ass sking, covering it by scars. Boy is trying to suffer the punishment without cry as a real men, but he moans when the pain of cane strokes becomes a real hell for him.
Boys belt and cane spanking is a very popular punishment method in all the world. Europe, America, Russia, Asia, UK boys sometimes are getting belting or caning by their fathers. For the spanking you can use the belt or razor strap or the cane. It might be the wood cane or bamboo cane. Boys of our studio are getting the corporal punishments the large leather army belt (Russian army unifrom) or by the bamboo cane. Trust us, that it’s a really hard punishment because the belt is large and heavy. Boy’s asses becomes red after 20-30 hits of the belt. After 50-60 hits ass becomes a red-blue color. Also the scars appaears sometimes on the ass. We are spanking our boys in full force, making them to feel all the cruelty of this male corporal punishment method.
You can also read some history information about caning here.